The Map Repository supports two file formats for maps:
- Bitmap-based maps in file formats such as .png, .jpg and so forth. These are the most universally accessible, but are harder to edit for other users after uploading.
- Vector-based maps in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format, a standard format developed by the World Wide Web Consortium and viewable in most browsers (though not in Internet Explorer 8, but Internet Explorer 9 will support it). This format has the advantage that other users will be able to easily edit the map file after downloading it. Several vector-based graphics programs support SVG, of which I support Inkscape, a free, multi-platform Open Source program.
This does not mean you cannot use other formats when creating the map, but the finished map must be exported into one of these two formats first before uploading it.
You can download a number of base templates in both PNG and SVG format for encounter-sized hex maps here. Use if these templates is not mandatory, but they provide a good starting point and are scaled to print well on standard letter-sized paper.
Once you have completed your map and saved it in either bitmap or SVG format, do the following:
- Enter the name of your map entry into the correct form below, and click the button.
- A new form will open up. Fill out the relevant entries and save the result. At one point during this you also need to enter the name of your SVG map file.
- Once the entry has been generated, click on the "Files" button at the bottom of the page. Click on it and upload the map file.
Now the page should include a thumbnail of your map. If it doesn't, either edit the page or upload the correct file until it appears.
Your entry will also automatically be listed on the main Maps page.
Note: If you have used a nonstandard (i.e. non-bitmap and non-SVG) format to create your map, you can upload it as well in addition to the bitmap or SVG file. To do so, upload it via the "Files" button as above. Once it has uploaded, right-click on the file entry and copy its link location. You can now edit the entry again and add a link to it from the main entry, like this:
The original map file (for the MegaMapper software) can be found [ here].