I really believe that Gurps Ultra-Lite is a more worthy successor, with its straightforward simplicity to The Fantasy Trip than is the parent game, Gurps.
That being the case or not, The lack of a magic/psi system and the lack of monsters and foes are both common complaints about GU-L.
I've created a very simple addition to the Gurps Ultra-Lite game that, in my opinion, cures this with only two pages (double sided). I don’t think they violate the Gurps Ultra-Lite schtick of only a single page of rules, as they are more setting oriented -and thus belong in the GM’s campaign notes- rather than as player handouts. In short, it turns Gurps Ultra-Lite into somewhat more of a playable rpg by adding in a magic/psionic/superpowers system (really just a brief variation on the professions) and by adding in brief stats and notes for monsters.
I would like to find a way to add this to the site, or at least get it to the mods, but I can barely navigate Facebook. Any help would be appreciated.