I posted a couple NPCs here a while back and I'm interested to see if anyone has any comments or suggestions. There are places in each one where I am not sure if I handled things in the best way and a fresh point of view is always helpful.
Mimsey Grant is a "best friend" type supporting character for a Modern-Day Supernatural campaign; an "apprentice witch" who has inherited a magical bookstore from her sorcerous grandfather and is learning the magic arts from the store's cat (who in fact is her grandfather)
Major John Jeroboam Hunter is a clockwork cyborg fighter for a Steampunk campaign; a veteran of the Indian Wars who had the body parts he lost in combat replaced by mechanical prosthetics.
Do they seem like workable characters? Do their stats hang together? Is there a better way to build them? Should I post more? I'm interested in reading feedback.
"All the World's a Stage and Everyone's a Critic" — Mervyn Alquist