A beast that has the fore of a lion, the middle of a goat, and the behind of a snake. Its second head, that of a goat, rises behind the shoulders, and the third, snake-like head is at the end of its tail. All three heads breathe fire.
ST: 25 | HP: 25 | Speed: 6.00 |
DX: 12 | Will: 10 | Move: 6 |
IQ: 4 | Per: 12 | Weight: 1,950 lbs. |
HT: 12 | FP: 12 | SM: +2 (7 hexes) |
Dodge: 9 | Parry: n/a | DR: 2 |
Bite (16): 2d+3 cutting. Reach C.
Claws (16): 2d+3 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Fire Breath (15): 2d burning in a 5-yard cone, 6/day (twice each head). Acc 3, Range 2/20.
Traits: 360° Vision; Appearance (Horrific; Universal); Bad Temper (6); Extra Attack 2; Extra Head 2; Quadruped; Reduce Consumption 3 (Cast Iron Stomach); Restricted Diet (Fresh Meat); Social Stigma (Monster); Temperature Tolerance 1; Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-16; Innate Attack (Breath)-15; Survival (Mountains)-14.
Class: Hybrid.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 54 (OR 33 and PR 21).
Notes: From GURPS Fantasy, p. 51.