Dragon, Black Adult
rating: 0+x

By Collective Restraint

Note: This creature was originally published in the 3E Monster Manual.

ST: 23 HP: 23 Speed: 5.50
DX: 10 Will: 11 Move: 8
IQ: 11 Per: 13
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +2 (4 hexes)
Dodge: 8 Parry: N/A DR: 9

Bite (17): 2d+2 cutting. Reach C.
Claws (17): 2d+2 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Corrupt Water (1/day): 3-yard area with a range of 36 yards. Same as Foul Water spell (GURPS Magic, p. 185).
Darkness (3/day): 12-yard area. Same as Blackout spell (GURPS Magic, p. 112). Lasts 60 minutes.
Dragon Breath (17): Acid jet. 3d+2 corrosive. Usable once every 3 seconds. Range 8/16.
Tail (17): 3d+1 crushing. Can only attack straight behind. Reach C-2.
Terror (Fright Check at -1): 36-yard area.
Wings (17): 3d+1 crushing. Can only attack the sides. Reach C, 1.

Traits: Amphibious (Water Move 8); Dark Vision; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); DR 3 (Limited, Non-magical weapons); DR 20 (Limited, Acid); Enhanced Move 0.5 (Air Speed 18); Extra Attack 3; Flight (Air Move 12; Winged; Handling Penalty -1); Immunity (Sleep effects); Immunity (Paralysis effects); Magery 1; Magic Resistance 1 (Improved); Night Vision 5; Quadruped; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Vibration Sense (Universal).
Skills: Brawling-17; Camouflage-17; Innate Attack (Breath)-17; Stealth-15; Survival (Swampland)-18; Swimming-20.
Spells: Apportation-12; Create Water-12; Deflect Missile-12; Destroy Water-12; Detect Magic-12; Purify Water-12; Seek Water-12; Shape Water-12.
Class: Mundane.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 134 (OR 76 and PR 56).
Notes: Can use spells and breath underwater.


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