Dragon Turtle
rating: 0+x

By Collective Restraint

Note: This creature was originally published in the 3E Monster Manual.

ST: 27 HP: 27 Speed: 6.25
DX: 10 Will: 11 Move: 4
IQ: 11 Per: 13 Weight: 30,000 lbs.
HT: 15 FP: 15 SM: +4 (7 hexes × 4 hexes)
Dodge: 9 Parry: N/A DR: 8 (See notes)

Bite (14): 3d+1 large piercing. Reach C.
Claws (14): 3d+1 cutting. Reach C-3.
Steam Breath (16): 4d+2 burning (non-incendiary). It comes out in a cone 4-yards high, 5-yards wide and 10-yards long. Usable once every 2d seconds and works underwater.

Traits: Amphibious (Water Move 6); Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell; DR 20 (Limited, Heat/Fire); Extra Attack 1; Immunity (Sleep effects); Immunity (Paralysis effects); Night Vision 5; Quadruped; Sharp Beak; Sharp Claws.
Skills: Brawling-14; Camouflage-14; Detect Lies-15; Diplomacy-10; Innate Attack (Breath)-16; Intimidation-14; Survival (Open Ocean)-16; Swimming-21.
Class: Mundane.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 80 (OR 32 and PR 48).
Notes: A submerged dragon turtle that surfaces under a boat of ship less than 7-yards long capsizes the vessel on a 15 or less on 3d. It can capsize a vessel from 7-yards to 20-yards long by rolling 10 or less on 3d and by rolling a 7 or less on 3d it can capsize a vessel longer than 20-yards. It has DR 6 for its limbs, tail, and head.


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