Gerhaard the Glacier, Frost Giant / Winter Court Field General (Greater Boss)
rating: 0+x

By Gold & Apple Inc

Every proper cold war superpower needs weapons of mass destruction held in reserve, and the Court of Ice is no exception. Gerhaard is smarter, faster, and more loyal than most frost giants, equipped with the finest arms and armor the Winter Queen's nibelung can forge and adorned the considerable distance from head to toe with mystical faerie rune tattoos that misdirect sorcery away from him.

ST: 30 HP: 48 Speed: 6.0
DX: 12 Will: 18 Move: 8
IQ: 12 Per: 12
HT: 14 FP: 14 SM: +2
Dodge: 11 Parry: 13 DR: 15*

Thrusting Broadsword (14): 5d+5 Cutting or 3d+4 Impaling w/ +2 Icy Follow-Up and Reach 2
Thrusting Broadsword w/ Power Blow (14): 9d+3 Cutting or 7d+2 Impaling w/ +2 Icy Follow-Up and Reach 2
Punch (14): 3d+2 Crushing w/ Reach 1
Punch w/ Power Blow (14): 7d+5 Crushing w/ Reach 1
Slam (14): 4d+3 Crushing

Traits: Combat Reflexes, DR x4 (Vs Cold/Ice Only), Enhanced Dodge +1, Enhanced Parry +2 (Broadsword), Hard to Kill +3, Injury Tolerance x1/4 (Vs Cold/Ice Only), Magic Resistance +5, Sense of Duty (Winter Court), Surefooted (Slippery), Vulnerability (Fire/Heat x2)
Skills: Brawling DX+2 [4]-14, Broadsword DX+2 [8]-14, Climbing DX+1 [4]-13, Leadership IQ+1 [4]-13, Power Blow Will+10 [44]-28, Tactics IQ-1 [2]-11, Throwing DX [2]-12, Traps IQ [2]-12, Wrestling DX+1 [4]-13
Class: Mundane (Giant)
Notes: Owns a lootable Very Fine SM +2 Thrusting Broadsword with Loyal Weapon and Icy Weapon, and usually wears lootable SM +2 Heavy Plate armor with Fortify +1 and 50% Lightness for 8 regular DR over his 7 Tough Skin DR. With extra time he can easily triple his ST using Power Blow, which he will often do while acting as a walking catapult.


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