Giant Slug
rating: 0+x

By Lord RasputinLord Rasputin

Note: This creature was originally published in the Tome of Horrors.

A slug as big as a house.

ST: 45 HP: 45 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 4
IQ: 0 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: +4 (25 hexes; 7 hexes × 4 hexes)
Dodge: 8 Parry: N/A DR: 4

Bite (13): 5d+4 crushing plus follow-up 1d corrosive. Reach C.
Spit Acid (13): 2d corrosive. Acc 3, Range 10/100.

Traits: Acute Vibration Sense 5; Blindness; DR 5 (Cutting, Impaling, and Piercing); Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Eyes); Invertebrate; Precise Hearing; Tunneling (Tunneling Move 2); Vermiform; Vibration Sense; Weakness (Salt, 1d per pound each second of contact); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-13; Innate Attack (Breath)-13.
Class: Giant Animal.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 74 (OR 30 and PR 44).
Notes: A giant slug's senses let him fight normally against nearby foes, but aiming is impossible.


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