Note: This creature was originally published in the Monster Manual.
A white horse with a lone big horn.
ST: 20 | HP: 20 | Speed: 6.50 |
DX: 13 | Will: 15 | Move: 10 |
IQ: 10 | Per: 16 | Weight: 1,200 lbs. |
HT: 13 | FP: 13 | SM: +1 (3 hexes) |
Dodge: 9 | Parry: N/A | DR: 3 |
Hooves (15): 2d+2 crushing. Reach C.
Horn (18): 2d+5 impaling. This is a magic weapon, but it loses its magic if removed from the unicorn. Reach C, 1.
Traits: Acute Hearing 2; Acute Vision 2; Animal Empathy; Detect (Evil; Precise); DR 2 (Affects Others; Area Effect, 2 yards; Force Field; Limited, Evil); Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 20); Healing (Limited Use, 5/day; Reliable, +5); Loner (12); Mind Shield 5 (Affects Others; Area Effect, 2 yards); Peripheral Vision; Resistant to Evil (+3) (Affects Others; Area Effect, 2 yards); Quadruped; Warp (Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium Encumbrance; Limited Use, 1/day; Range Limit, Own woods; Reliable, +10).
Skills: Area Knowledge (Own woods)-12; Jumping-15; Stealth-14; Survival (Woodlands)-17.
Class: Faerie.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 84 (OR 49 and PR 35).
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