Note: This creature was originally published in the Monster Manual.
A man who turns into a wolf.
Man Shape
ST: 13 | HP: 13 | Speed: 5.50 |
DX: 10 | Will: 11 | Move: 3 (base 5) |
IQ: 10 | Per: 10 | SM: 0 |
HT: 11 | FP: 11 | DR: 3* (see notes) |
Dodge: 6 (base 8) | Parry: 8 | Block: 8 |
Broadsword (10): 2d cutting or 1d+1 crushing. Reach 1.
Crossbow (11): 1d+4 impaling. Acc 4, Range 260/325.
Punch (12): 1d crushing. Reach C.
Traits: Acute Hearing 1; Acute Vision 1; Alternate Form (Wolf); Alternate Form (Wolf/Man Hybrid); Animal Empathy (Wolves); Chummy; Discriminatory Smell; Night Vision 3; Sadism (12).
Skills: Animal Handling (Wolves)-11; Brawling-12; Broadsword-10; Crossbow-11; Shield-11; Stealth-12; Survival (Woodlands)-10; Swimming-11; Tracking-11.
Class: Mundane.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 33 (OR 16 and PR 17) (wolf shape).
Notes: Wears medium layered leather armor (DR 3, $660, 78 lbs.) on all locations but the Face. Bears a light small shield (DB 1, $30, 3 lbs.).
Wolf Shape
ST: 15 | HP: 15 | Speed: 6.50 |
DX: 12 | Will: 11 | Move: 8 |
IQ: 10 | Per: 10 | Weight: 120 lbs. |
HT: 13 | FP: 13 | SM: 0 (2 hexes) |
Dodge: 9 | Parry: N/A | DR: 2 |
Bite (14): 1d+1 cutting. Anyone bitten must roll 3d over HP of injury (maximum of one roll a day) or become a werewolf on the night of the next full moon. Reach C.
Traits: Acute Hearing 1; Acute Vision 1; Alternate Form (Man); Alternate Form (Wolf/Man Hybrid); Animal Empathy (Wolves); Chummy; Discriminatory Smell; DR 5 (Non-silver weapons); Night Vision 3; Quadruped; Sadism (12); Temperature Tolerance 1.
Skills: Animal Handling (Wolves)-11; Brawling-14; Broadsword-12; Crossbow-13; Shield-13; Stealth-15; Survival (Woodlands)-10; Swimming-13; Tracking-13.
Class: Mundane.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 33 (OR 16 and PR 17).
Hybrid Shape
ST: 15 | HP: 15 | Speed: 6.50 |
DX: 12 | Will: 11 | Move: 8 |
IQ: 10 | Per: 10 | Weight: 120 lbs. |
HT: 13 | FP: 13 | SM: 0 |
Dodge: 9 | Parry: 10 | DR: 2 |
Bite (14): 1d+1 cutting. Anyone bitten must roll 3d over HP of injury (maximum of one roll a day) or become a werewolf on the night of the next full moon. Reach C.
Claws (14): 1d+1 cutting. Anyone bitten must roll 3d over HP of injury (maximum of one roll a day) or become a werewolf on the night of the next full moon. Reach C.
Traits: Acute Hearing 1; Acute Vision 1; Alternate Form (Wolf); Alternate Form (Man); Animal Empathy (Wolves); Chummy; Discriminatory Smell; DR 5 (Non-silver weapons); Night Vision 3; Sadism (12); Temperature Tolerance 1.
Skills: Animal Handling (Wolves)-11; Brawling-14; Broadsword-12; Crossbow-13; Shield-13; Stealth-15; Survival (Woodlands)-10; Swimming-13; Tracking-13.
Class: Mundane.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 33 (OR 16 and PR 17) (wolf shape).
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